Tag Archive: Joni Mitchell

NO GAP YEAR – contrary to claims 1974 produced some great albums…..

‘1974 brought brilliant work from Jackson Browne, Linda Ronstadt, Joni Mitchell and Neil Young so has plenty to recommend it’

UNHAPPY AS A SANDBOY – 1974 finds Neil Young ‘On The Beach.’

‘ON THE BEACH’ is a defining album of the 70s and arguably the most lyrically potent made in the first half of that decade.

THE SINGER, THE SONG and STATE OF CALIFORNIA – Two BBC 4 Music programmes send out confused messages.

NY – BBC 1971. In ‘Heart of Gold’ Neil sings ‘I’m getting old’ – somewhat ironic at the age of 27…..

HELLO 1967 – GOODBYE 2017: Twenty Great Albums from a monumental year for rock.

TWENTY GREAT ALBUMS from 1967: By now the album had superseded the single as the vehicle through which an artist would most express their visions and true ambition. Few would have predicted the long-player to have travelled so far in such a…
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EVERYONE’S A WINNER: The best twenty albums of 1971 – the greatest year for rock

The best twenty albums of 1971: HIGH WATER MARK – The Who & ‘Who’s Next’